Prayer in Cancer: What the Patients Said

This is the second published article from our research project, written by Dr. Greg Brown and co-authored by me. It was published in HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE CHAPLAINCY, VOL 8, NO 1 (2020). You can read a copy online here.

Abstract: How do cancer patients pray? This article presents research into what was found within stories published by 160 cancer patients. A grounded theory methodology was used for this study. Almost equal numbers of men and women provided evidence of praying. A positive association of prayer with well-being was found. Some cancer patients utilized poetry or scripture or meditation. Others used petitionary prayer, for others it was intercessory prayer. However, thanksgiving prayer was the most common form. Women were found more likely to thank their friends whereas men thanked
their families.

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By Jim de Jong

I am a Lay Preacher with the Presbytery of Western Victoria, Uniting Church in Australia, an Assistant Chaplain and a Computer Systems manager for A2Z Services

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