Pentecost 17A

Make my joy complete


Please find below a mixture of my personal resources and those of friends and commercial resources I have access to. They will appear as they come available leading up to this Sunday.

We want to be inclusive, regardless especially, of the ability of an individual to access them. Please feel free to pass these on to a friend you care for as you feel appropriate

Links to Pentecost 17A resources

This page will develop over the week as resources come available

Just a quick note: If you can’t hear the audio in the video hover your mouse over the bottom bar of the video frame and click on the speaker icon. Similarly, there are options there to make the video full screen.

Pentecost 17A – Make my Joy complete

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    1. Hi, it would be difficult to honestly preach on Paul’s teaching, especially the letter to the Philippians without being provoking and attitude shifting 🙂
      I hope to continue to provoke over the next few weeks where I aim to stay with the letter

      God bless

  1. My thoughts are with you Jim, I do hope you are making good progress following the procedure you had on Wednesday. Thankyou as always of the service you prepared and the hymns making me feel I was with my church friends.
    Blessings to you Jacci and your family, from Anna.
    Grand Final day yesterday, I feel Richmond may have been one of the teams, its supported by many of our immediate family, encouraged by Chris.

    1. Hi

      Go Richmond!!!! 🙂

      More soberly, am doing well and truly Blessed by those that continue to support me and others that continue to do His work in our and other communities.

      God bless.

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