Easter 2A

First Sunday after Easter

Please find below a mixture of my personal resources and those of friends and commercial resources I have access to. They will appear as they come available leading up to this Sunday.

We want to be inclusive, regardless especially, of ability an individual has to access them. Please feel free to pass these on to a friend you care for as you feel appropriate

Links to resources

This page will develop over the week as resources come available

Just a quick note: If you can’t hear the audio in the video hover your mouse over the bottom bar of the video frame and click on the speaker icom. Similarly there are options there to make the video full screen.

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  1. Thankyou Jim for a very moving and appreciated service you have prepared for us for the 1st Sunday after Easter. It meant a great deal to me to be able to watch it at home. I look forward to next Sunday’s service.
    Peace be with you. Anna Baulch

    1. Thank you so much Anna, I’m glad you like it. Yes next Sunday, the road to Emmaus is being built.

      Hope this finds you and those you care for safe and comfortable.

      God bless

  2. Hi Jim,
    Thank you for today’s service. I thank God that He brought you into the world to share His love. What comfort you bring us.
    Peace be with you,
    Rob Soar

  3. Thank you Jim once again for an excellent service. A very clear, uplifting and inspiring message. We look forward to being able to share more services in the coming weeks. We trust that you, Jaccy and all your family members are continuing to enjoy good health while you give so much of your personal encouragement to your far fling flock.

    With our warm regards,

    Barb & Rob

  4. Thank you Jim once again for an excellent service. A very clear, uplifting and inspiring message. We look forward to being able to share more services in the coming weeks. We trust that you, Jaccy and all your family members are continuing to enjoy good health while you give so much of your personal encouragement to your far flung flock

    With our warm regards,

    Barb & Rob

    1. Thank you Barb & Rob as always for all your support.

      It has been a steep learning curve, but it has been a joy to be able to do this bit in making something visible at a time when people feel so isolated. I am also very grateful of all those that have not only added to the resources but assisted in disseminating the information to those less able to access them. Yes there are some new things planned for next week, on the Road to Emmaus.


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