Home of the deJongs

But we live in extraordinary times.
A response to our times
What is our sense of church, is it people worshiping together (whatever together means for you)? Now that our buildings and ability to congregate have been taken away, it is my intention to keep working with the gifts and abilities I have to help express church, faith and God for myself and anyone that wishes to have a look.
Obviously, there are some that will not have the ability to access this material, so feel free to print it out and pass it on to those we care for.
To this end I have set up a group of pages of varied resources (under the menu item Church above) that might allow others to worship with me. These include my own work, the work of like minded friends and the kind support of those that provide resources I have previously purchased that have now responded to this current crisis.
May God bless us all, and be assured that we continue to pray and think of you all, all the time.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all.
I highly recommend you visit these pages dedicated to COVID-19 Worship resources
- Vic-Tas Synod UCA page
- Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia page
- Our page of Worship services and resources
- Easter Message – an interactive journey for younger people